Monday, May 07, 2007

Social Networking factoids

If you're wondering about the power and popularity of social networking, consider these facts:
  • Nearly 5% of all U.S. web visits are captured by
  • 20 million users visit YouTube each month. Each one spends an average of 27 minutes at the site.
  • Technorati tracks more than 50 million blogs. 40,000 new ones are created each day.
  • 56.6% of online community members log into their community at least once a day. 70% of them interact with others while they're logged in.
  • A McKinsey study found that members of an online community
    • visited a site 9 times as often
    • stayed 5 times as long
    • represented 65% of sales even though they only represented 35% of users
Learn more about social networking and community building by downloading, Brand Marketers Meet Social Networks, an Eluma White Paper.

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